Welcome to our FAQ's! (Frequently Asked Questions)

At studioryker, we understand that embarking on a new architectural project comes with many questions and considerations. Whether you’re curious about our design process, the scope of our services, or specific details about how we manage long-distance projects, you’ll find the answers here.

Our FAQs are designed to provide you with insights into how we work at studioryker and how we can bring your vision to life, while respecting the natural environment and applying the latest in sustainable design practices.

Dive into our FAQ to learn more about what makes studioryker the ideal choice for your architectural needs.

Twenty-five years of backcountry camping and hiking in the Yellowstone region provide an intimate knowledge of these wild and rural landscapes and inspired a decade of study about healthy ecosystems, wildlife needs, and the value of situating human development in sympathy to migratory routes, surface water conditions and sensitive plant environments. The results is that at all scales, our designs integrate best strategies for site infrastructure and building locations to minimize habitat loss and preserve wildlife.


Studioryker always recommends contacting us before finalizing the purchase of your property. This allows for a professional review of the site for unforeseen zoning conditions, match of client aspirations to the property qualities, and the consideration of ecological and environmental context. 

studioryker is based in Livingston, Montana. The Yellowstone Region is a small population spread across a vast landscape. Yet, over the years many of our local clients have come to studioryker through word-of-mouth recommendations building a community of friends who love to celebrate this place with.  studioryker is also committed to participating in the larger design community that exists across the Earth. The result is that many of our national and international clients learn about us through our design awards, publications in magazines and journals, and talks given at regional and national design conferences that focus on architecture.

Lori Ryker’s design/build background spans the professional and academic realms providing a strong foundation and understanding of the construction process and the material nature of building. For studioryker this knowledge provides for collaborative working relationships with the contractors and crafts people who build our designs.  

We recommend a first meeting approximately two years prior to the estimated start of construction. This timeline allows for thorough planning, design and project refinement, and ensures a seamless building process.

studioryker carefully selects a team specific to each project including structural and mechanical engineers, and as needed landscape designers, custom steel fabricators, lighting and sound specialists, and ecological experts to ensure the best outcome for every project.

studioryker’s projects can be found in urban environments and vast landscapes and include in-town community buildings, houses and retail, quiet places in nature, weekend getaway cabins, full-time family homes and comprehensive estate design.

Cost of construction is higher in the Northern Rockies than most other places in the United States. Not only because of its remote location, but also due to structural and energy code requirements, and the smaller sub-contractor pool.

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We are an intentionally small studio that focuses on the activity of creation for our clients. From initial design spark through the collaborative process with builders and selection of interior finishes, we are committed to the journey of our client’s aspirations. Our smallness allows us the time to focus on one-on-one interactions to learn who we will design for and the qualities and conditions of the place each client selects to be situated.

We believe that best designs come from a process that first engages the ephemeral qualities that people aspire to, the moments that draw them to the place they choose to inhabit, the enriching experiences that make their days and nights special, and the day-to -day rhythms that ground their lives. From this exploration process a corresponding, tangible proposal for the project arises that is further developed with each client to achieve a bespoke solution.

Lori Ryker, founder of studioryker, has had a life-long relationship with the tools of the hand.  From pencil drawings to paints, shovel to hammer, or model knife to chipboard, first inspirations for each project a born through the seamless creative process found between hand and mind. Once initial creative ideas are cemented the efficiency of computer technologies are integrated into the work process to provide precise and easily editable construction documents for collaboration with other professionals, permitting process, and building contractors.

Studioryker believes that each client’s vision is unique and that best design solutions integrate these visions with their natural surroundings, not only through the building’s form, but also in specifically corresponding construction methods and technological strategies that conserve energy, the planet’s resources, and provide for healthier living.rnishing?

Our designs are modern, with an open and easy feel that correspond to both natural landscapes and city fabric.

studioryker believes in integrating the design of our projects inside and out, ensuring interiors that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and perfectly aligned with the client’s lifestyle. Our interior design and furnishing specifications are

We have designed homes and commercial spaces across the United States, including Montana, Wyoming, Texas, and coastal islands off the East Coast. We cater to local, national and international clients, ensuring high-quality results regardless of location.

Lori Ryker emphasizes a listening-first approach to fully understand client aspirations, ensuring that our work integrates and reflects the client’s vision and lifestyle. We then draw from this vision to inform best efficient energy strategies, sustainable and resilient material choices. This bespoke process contributes to the success of our projects and the satisfaction of our clients.

Lori Ryker has been living in the Northern Rockies, specifically the Yellowstone Region, since 1998. She has been practicing in the region since 2000, with time also spent teaching college and graduate students of architecture. These dual roles in private practice and university education keep studioryker’s designs at the forefront of material and technology advancements, aligning with the latest best design practices.